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Indiashotels >> Indian Destinations >> Kodagu
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Geography & Location
Kodagu lies on the eastern slope of the Western Ghats. It is a mountainous district, presenting throughout a series of wooded hills and deep valleys; the lowest elevations are 3000 feet above sea-level. The loftiest peak, Tadiandamol, has an altitude of 5729 feet; Pushpagiri, another peak, is 5626 ft. high. The principal river is the Kaveri, which rises on the eastern side of the Western Ghats, and with its tributaries drains the greater part of Kodagu. In. the rainy season, which lasts during the continuance of the southwest monsoon, or from June to the end of September, the rivers flow with violence and great rapidity. In July and August the rainfall is high, and the month of November is often showery. The yearly rainfall may exceed 160in.; in the dense jungle tract it reaches from 120 to 150; in. the bamboo district in the west from 60 to 100 in. Coorg has an average temperature of about 60 F., the extremes being 52 and 82. The hottest season is in April and May.

In the direction of Mysore the whole country is thickly wooded; but to the westward the forests are more open. The flora of the jungle includes Michelia champaca (Chumpak), Mesua (Ironwood), Diospyros (Ebony and other species), Toona ciliata (Indian mahogany), Chickrassia tubularis (Red cedar), Calophyllum angustifolium (Poon spar), Canarium strictum (Black Dammar tree), Artocarpus, Dipterocarpus, Garcinia, Euonymus, Cinnamomum, Myristica, Vaccinium, Myrtaceae, Melastomaceae, Rubus (three species), and the rose. In the undergrowth are found cardamom, areca, plantain, canes, wild pepper, tree and other ferns, and arums. In the forest of the less thickly-wooded bamboo country in the west of Kodagu, the most common trees are the Dalbergia latifolia (Black wood), Pterocarpus marsupium (Kino tree), Terminalia coriacea (Mutti), Lagerstroemia parvifiora (Benteak), Conocarpus latifolius (Dindul), Bassia latifolia, Butea frondosa, Nauclea parvifiora, and several acacias, while in the eastern part of the district are present teak and sandalwood. Among the fauna may be mentioned the elephant, tiger, tigercat, cheetah, wild dog, wild boar, several species of deer, hares, monkeys, the buceros and various other birds and reptiles including the cobra di capello, and a few alligators.

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